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A Thanksgiving Chorale
Glenn Wonacott's wonderful arrangement of "Come, Ye Thankful People Come" underscored with Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" is especially appropriate during harvest-themed and Thanksgiving services.

Give Thanks To The Lord (with band)
Dennis Allen's light contemporary SATB setting of the Psalmist's lyrics makes an inspiring call to worship or choir special--especially with this upbeat rhythm section accompaniment.

Give Thanks To The Lord
Dennis Allen's traditional/light contemporary SATB setting of the Psalmist's lyrics makes an upbeat and inspiring call to worship or choir special.

Come Ye Thankful People, Come w/ Count Your Blessings
This lovely piano arrangement of these traditional hymns would be great to use during the Thanksgiving season, or any other time during the year.

Give Thanks To God
Dennis Allen has arranged this upbeat, contagious modern psalm for lead vocalist and 2-part choir/ensemble. Perfect for guitar-driven praise and/or blended worship experiences.

Let Us Rejoice
Beginning with a unison children's choir and blossoming into simple 4-part adult choir, this upbeat scripture chorus makes a great call to worship for traditional and blended services alike that the whole congregation can join to sing!

Everyone Give Thanks
This contagious, island-flavored worship song for kids and adult choir is only challenging to the extent that the choirs will need to follow the director on their entrances. For traditional and blended settings, fun for Thanksgiving or any time of year!