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Open My Eyes w/ Hosanna, You Are Our King (with orchestra)
This beautiful medley blends the traditional hymn, "Open My Eyes," and the contemporary anthem, "Hosanna, You Are Our King," into a celebratory offering suitable for your entire congregation. Arranged for SATB choir with soloist. [Orchestration is also available for Unlimited Plus members.]

Because of the Cross (Contemporary): 7 Ways the Resurrection Changes Our Lives
Rather than simply telling the story of Easter, this SATB musical powerfully communicates— through song, scripture, and extended narrations—seven ways Christ’s death and resurrection radically transforms our lives. Arranged by Dennis Allen, Travis Cottrell, Dave Williamson, and others. 50 min. long.

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (with video track)
From the opening instrumental treatment of William Kirkpatrick's Away In A Manger to the exquisite use of SATB adult choir and children's choir together, Hal Wright's arrangement of Infant Holy, Infant Lowly is a can't-miss Christmas anthem. [Video Track available to Unlimited PLUS Members.]

All Things New (Musical with Simple Orchestra)
You are invited to take part in an Easter celebration for every generation! This very special 48 minute long musical, featuring worship leader narration, honors our God both through the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs and by singing to the Lord a new song!

Since Jesus Came Into My Heart (with simple orchestra)
This toe-tapping and joyful Southern Gospel arrangement for SATB choir by Kris Crunk is sure to become a congregational favorite! Works well in blended and contemporary worship settings. [Simple Orchestration available to Unlimited PLUS Members]

Stories Of Christmas (with simple orchestra)
From the African Plains to the campfires of a cattle drive, from the road to Grandma’s house to battlefields halfway around the world, Stories of Christmas looks at the various ways that Christmas is celebrated, and how all of our stories bow to THE story of Christ’s birth.

America The Beautiful (with simple orchestra)
A beautiful and majestic presentation of one of the most beloved patriotic songs, yet contemporary enough to also be at home in a blended service. [Simple Orchestration available for Unlimited PLUS Members.]

Welcome Home Soldier (Musical with simple orchestra)
Coupling dramatic monologues with short, easy-to-learn songs, Welcome Home soldier honors the heart of the men and women who protect and defend the freedoms of our great nation. A perfect fit for your July 4th Sunday service.

To You (with simple orchestration)
This modern worship song is a lively invitation to raise our hands and our praise to the Lord! For SATB choir, this piece serves well in blended and contemporary settings. [Simple Orchestration available to Unlimited PLUS Members]