Praise & Worship Contemporary
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A triumphant celebration of God's forever faithful love and grace, this strong contemporary praise anthem works well with a worship leader and band or as a solo/ensemble piece. Also included: optional string charts.

I Need You, Jesus (with strings)
A heartfelt, contemporary song of worship and personal submission to Christ, rounded out with a chorus of the timeless hymn "I Need Thee Every Hour." Arranged for worship leader/soloist + 4-part choir or ensemble; also includes duet. [Simple Orchestration available to Unlimited PLUS Members]

Laying Down Our Crowns (with strings)
Centering on themes of surrender, this piece for soloist or worship leader and 3-part choir will encourage a posture of worship among your praise team and congregation. An excellent choice for blended and contemporary worship services. [Simple Orchestration available to Unlimited PLUS Members]

Love So Amazing (with strings)
This heartfelt ballad for soloist or worship leader and SATB choir rejoices in the grace that loves us as we are, not as we should be. Builds to a powerful finish with solo and choir, and works well in blended and contemporary settings. [Simple Orchestration available to Unlimited PLUS Members]